Thursday 27 October 2011

Task 4 - Produce task 3's work {Low key}

I attempted to take low key photographs with construction lights and dypril upholstery for a black back drop behing the model.

As these aren't the correct equipment i had to change the camera settings i used from the low key photography we did in class.
The camera was on manual in class and the Aperture was set to F11 i had to set it to shutter priority due to darkness.
From the ISO at 200 i had to change it to 1600 because the image turned out very dark but the lighting was very bright.

Manual ^ 1/125 F11

Aperture ^ F11 Shutter speed 1 second

Shutter Priority ^ 1/125 F4.2

I decided to use shutter priority because out of them all it was the image which came out most best.

 These images are brighter than the rest.

These images would be better if the model's eyes were open but i still like these images. 

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