Thursday, 13 October 2011

100 Strangers

We were set a task in the style of Darren Hall to take 6 peoples portraits and ask them some information about themselves.

Name: Mike Hurst
Age: 23
Occupation: works for the NHS
Favourite thing: Van shoes
JPEG No: DSC_6457

Name: Malcolm Dao
Age: 19
Occupation:  Student at Leeds Uni
JPEG No: DSC_6458

Name: Will Barker
Age: 22
Occupation: Unemployed
Favourite thing: The thought of moving to a new city
JPEG No: DSC_6459

Name: Jamie Brownlee
Age: 27
Occupation: Sales manager
Favourite thing: Xbox
JPEG No: DSC_6460

Name: David Mills
Age: 21
Occupation: Student
Favourite thing: Clothes
JPEG No: DSC_6461

Name: Craig Crouchmar
Age: 22
Occupation: Student/ Animation Designer
Favourite thing: Bean bag in living room
JPEG No: DSC_6462

I tried my bets to match them to the backgrounds they were in and i think i did a pretty good job. Even if it was the littlest things like in Jamie's portrait his suit had lines on his suit and next to him was a bin with lines too  and i think that worked really well. I particularly Will's photo where his jacket matches the colour of the lady's umbrella behind even though i didn't notice it at first. like In the other photos i tried to get the colour of their clothes to match the buildings they were near. 

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