Sunday 16 October 2011

More painting with lights

Tom gave us a task to choose which type of photography we liked best that we'd done in his lessons and to practice taking more photographs for homework. 
I chose to do more painting with light because when we tried macro in class my camera wouldn't zoom in as much as id liked and street photography would have been difficult because it would have involved going very close up to people to take their photographs and they might not have liked it and plus i'm too shy to ask them if i can take their photograph.
I also felt comfortable doing this task because there was no time limit to make me rush. One problem i had was finding a light to write with. My dad gave me some torches he had but most of them were too bright and you could see the background but i edited some of them so that the background remained dark and the only thing you could see was the lights.

This was the first image I took and the light was so bright the whole room was lit up too. this was not the effect i wanted so i edited it in Photoshop with the exposure to make the background darker. I didn't change the colour of the light at all.

I really like this image because i used two different torches. One with a yellow dim light and the other was a bright white light. I like the effect they both made.

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