Monday 23 January 2012

Documentary Photography Part 2: Task 7: Presenting final imagery & Evaluation

New & Final Layout For Book:

I decided to have one image per double page apart from the last page where i had two images on a double page due to those two images being the strongest, also there was a lot of pages left over blank and it wouldn't look good to leave them blank. I also had to delete the front cover (the map of Bradford) because it was a too low resolution and the same for the Morrison's sale offer. 
Removing the Morrison's offer did ruin the order that i wanted and i thought it would be good to have different materials for example newspaper articles and having an internet page. but i'm not sure whether it affected it in a bad way or a good way. I did add two more images which i really like but didn't add them into my final images:

Both these images are still effective in adding to the story and that's why i chose to have them included. The picture of the demolition i took in black and white i think it would have been better with more contrast to make the building look more darker and effective in this way because the building is going to be destroyed/demolished so i wanted it to look like it was nearly disappearing like this:

 When i went to take photographs for test images i had taken so many that i didn't need to take any twice which i think was good as i could choose from the many i already had. Another thing that went well was the amount of closed down buildings and places up for sale in Bradford. 
I think i have managed to tell a story through my images about how the recession has and still is affecting a little town like Bradford. 

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