Saturday 3 December 2011

Image and text - Task 6

Using in camera effects and modern techniques showing student life.

 This image has the vignette effect that I created on an online photo editing website called picnik.  
I changed the size and strength of the edges and then i got the vignette effect that i wanted.
I did also try to create the vignette effect of Photoshop by creating a new layer then with the paint bucket tool i turned the new layer black and with the rubber tool erased parts of the photograph in circular movements but the more i tried to make the image clear the more brush strokes were visible. 
This image has been edited online again on picnik. I chose to use the Gaussian blur for this photograph.

For this effect i altered the blur and focal size of where i wanted the blur to start from.

 This photograph has the gaussian blur effect. I used photoshop for this. First i duplicated the background:
On the filter menu i selected the gaussian blur tool:
I then altered the radius of the blur:
With the rubber tool I carefully erased the blur from the subjects head:

For this photograph I decided to have the vignette effect that i created on photoshop.
First i created a new layer:
 Then i made sure the foreground colour was black:
With the paint bucket tool i was able to cover the picture: 

I changed the opacity so i could see a bit of the picture behind.
This allowed me to erase parts of the photograph with the eraser tool.

After erasing parts of the photograph i flattened the image.

For this photograph I decided to use Gaussian blur.                              
 First i created a background copy of the image.
 Then i selected the Gaussian blur.
 With the erasing tool i rubbed out the blurred parts i didn't want.

 For this photograph i created a vignette effect.

Although I like the vignette effect and the Gaussian blur I decided I was using them too much so for the same image I chose to use a tint instead.
For this effect i changed the hue and saturation of the photograph to what i was best pleased with.

 I like the tinted image more than the vignetted image because its quite a wacky photograph so i thought the tint would make the photograph more wacky than a vignette effect.

For this photograph i used the Gaussian blur.


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