Sunday, 11 December 2011

Documentary Photography Part 2: Task 2: Produce test images

For the cuts project I have taken many photographs and here are the topics I have chosen:
1) Derelict buildings: 
Due to the recession there are many businesses closing down due to lack of business. I think this image best represents all of the derelict building photographs I took because it looks unpleasant, depressing and disgusting. I took this photograph through a car window and i edited a corner of the image because there was a trickle of water covering the edge of the building here is the original image:
Here is the edited image:

This image was quite easy to take as I was in the car with my dad and we'd stopped. 

2) 'To Let/For Sale' Signs:
Again due to the recession the taxes have risen and due to job losses people are moving house. This image is one of my favourites because there are four for sale signs quite close to each other and of all the signs i saw this was the most all in one place. 
This image was also quite easy to take as there was a little island in the middle of the road and that's where I went to take the photograph.
3) Gambling Shops:
This is also one of the topics because as businesses are closing down frequently not many other businesses want to buy the space so its been bought by gambling shops.
This image was quite difficult to take because I wanted to capture lots of gambling shops in one place and this was the most I could find as there is Ladbrokes, paddy power and a William hill in the corner which you can just see the sign of it. It'd be better if the William hill shop was closer to the other gambling shops but that's not something I can change.
I think this image is better because of the angle of the photograph.

4) Charity Shops:
Another effect of the recession is more charity shops are opening up on high streets and people are buying more clothes from there than the retail shops because its cheaper.
This image was quite easy to take but i'd like the image better if there was more charity shops all in the same place on this street i think there are 4 but in this photograph there are only two as i couldn't fit them all in.
I think this image is a better photograph because of the irony of the image, having a closed down building and then a pound shop next to it.
5) The hole in Bradford:
This has been in Bradford for about 6 years now and the council don't have enough money to build anything on it. Its an eyesore for everyone who see's it and Bradford is well known for having the hole.

This image was very easy to take as there is a hill which overlooks the "hole". 
6) Newspaper headlines:
Everyday in the newspapers there is alot of articles about the recession. i think these two newspaper articles are exact and represent the situation the world is in.
Out of all the newspaper headlines I took I particularly like this one because there is a glimmer of light like there is a spec of hope for the world in the recession. 

7) Shops moving places:
I was able to find lots of shops within Bradford that wanted to move but i only managed to take a picture of one because i didn't have my camera with me. I think this is an interesting subject within the recession because there are many different reasons why a shop would want to move places for example being in a bad area, or many people going to other cities to do shopping and a consequence of this is that shops in little cities are closed down.

8) Sales
I would liked to have done a bit of work on the sales but I thought that they would interfere too much with the January sales. If this interferes too much another idea i would like to do linked with sales would be shop offers for example Morrison's offer of winning free shopping.

I took most of these photographs in bleach bypass because i wanted the photographs to look dark to portray how bad the recession is.

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