Friday 2 December 2011

Image and text - Task 5

For task 5 we have to choose our three favourite in camera effects and replicate them.
These are the ones i chose.

My three favourite traditional in camera techniques are 
My Remake:

My remake:
Here i edited the photograph in photoshop to make it a bit darker on curves.

Although the remake image i took doesn't have the blue tint i hoped for i still really like the image due to the texture of the raindrops.

My remakeThis image is more zoomed in than the original image i particularly like the focus on the writing in the top right hand corner even though the middle of the card is out of focus. Also the cards aren't on a red background but its difficult to tell on the second image too. Another thing I enjoy about this image is the angle that i have taken the photograph at, its more interesting than a straight portrait angle.

This photograph is more in focus than the other image but its too close up and i think this spoils the image. For the background i used a red coat but again you can't tell that much what colour the background is.


My Remake:
Even though the flower isn't the exact same type i think the photograph still works.

My Remake:                           

I think this photograph worked very well even though my cat isnt walking i tried to replicate the same angle and i am pleased with it.

My remake:
Both these images represent the original image very well because one is a close up and the other has the pose right.

My Remake:
I like the snowflake effect as i haven't tried this one before and for a first try i think it was quite successful. 

My Remake:
I made this photograph brighter using curves on Photoshop:

I still wasn't happy with the bokeh effect i took so i decided to try again.

Even though all the lights didn't turn into stars i think that these photographs are the best i could get of the bokeh effect for Christmas trees.
The problem i have with the bokeh effects are that i don't think the bokeh shape i have been using is the right size which lets down my pictures. 

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