Monday 14 November 2011

Image and text- Task 3

Researching modern digital ways to produce the same in camera effects.

  • Fotoflexer - Creating a bokeh effect 
First i uploaded a photograph.

I changed the density of the hearts as there were too many.

Then i changed the color of the hearts to fit my colour format.

As the hearts were too big i decided to re edit the photograph and make them smaller.

This effect would be better if you could move the
 love hearts around.
  • Pixlr - Creating a cling film effect 

I uploaded a photograph so that i could edit it.

I duplicated the image so that i could work on that image instead of the original.

I selected the gaussian blue tool and altered how blurry i wanted my image to be.

The size of the brush i changed lots because i wanted it to be quite big.

Then with the tool i dragged the tool down.

  • Picnik - Creating a vaseline effect 

I uploaded a photograph.

I changed the softness on the image so it would look better.

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