Sunday 25 March 2012


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Saturday 17 March 2012

External Flash Gun

We used an external flash gun as an effect to separate our background from our models.
We were trying to replicate this type of photography called Strobist:

It took quite a few tries because our flash gun was small and trying to find the right camera settings to fully show this effect.

 Here are some of the test photographs to get the flash right:

 Here are some photographs when the flash gun was working:

Here are some photographs I took:

The hot shoe diaries are famous for their strobist lighting. Here is some of their work:

Location Photography Kirkstall Abbey

We went to Kirkstall Abbey to take landscape photographs and architectural photographs. Here are some that I took:
 Because we went on a cloudy dull day I had my camera on a vibrance setting and then added some contrast on photoshop.


Thursday 15 March 2012

Lofi Zine: Task 9: Evaluaton

 For the Zine my initial idea's were comparing my home to a homeless person's but after some thinking about it I decided that wouldn't be a good idea because they might not like their privacy invaded. 

Another idea was to photograph my house in Italy because that's were I feel most at home. But as I couldn't travel there to take the photographs that idea was to be scrapped also.            

As I was really stuck with what to do my last idea was to photograph objects around my home that looked interesting. I also photographed my Mum chopping garlic, cooking steak and preparing salad as I thought this would be an interesting idea. Looking back on it now the photographs are great and I could have made a flip book out of it. 
My idea seemed a bit boring and I was very unhappy with it because looking at everyone else's work their photographs seemed much more interesting. I was desperately wanting some inspiration to give my photographs a bit extra. Before I could make my mock up book I had to edit my photographs in Photoshop because the lighting was different on all of them, for example some of them were using natural light and some had an orange effect due to my lightbulbs at home. I used the colour balance to try get them looking all the same colour. Then I made a little mock up book, but had to print different sized images as a test to which would be the right size for A5 paper. As I was still getting used to a new camera I was taking lots of photographs of my cat and I thought they were good and that I could add them into my Zine to complete it. I decided to add the photographs of my cat into the zine and it wasn't till I was deciding the order of the photographs that I saw some of the photographs could link up and make a little story. Originally my mum told me to write a little story about how my cat thinks she owns the house and that idea inspired me to write her expressions on some of my household objects. I think my idea really worked and it did give my zine the extra thing I was looking for which I was really really pleased with and I'm glad I added it in.  Choosing my front cover was one of the last things I did before sending it to print because I didn't have any ideas of what to do but after going into matalan I saw some household items and some objects that did say 'home' on it. Even though I didn't have my camera with me I took the photographs on my phone and the quality was quite good. I did edit them in photoshop to make them look better and I had 4 covers to choose from. In the end I chose the picture that was in portrait format because it would match my zine best. 
Overall I am very very pleased with my zine. I have printed it and it is with Tony Baker at the Thomas Danby College. 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Experimental Photography: Making our own camera obscura

Camera obscura made by blacking out the entire room and making a tiny hole in the cloth so the outside is reflected in onto the bin liner we held in front of the window. 

Mini Camera using a hand made box and a white bin liner. For this we put a lens inside and held it towards the window so the image is reflected onto the bin liner.